Monday, February 28, 2011

介于产业与股票之间 产业投资信托股

Mon, 17 Nov 2008 - 冷眼分享集 - updated data on 1 Mar 2011

当你驾车经过吉隆坡市区,仰望高楼大厦时,你心里是否曾经这么想:假如我拥有一座这样的大厦,收取租金,长期有稳定的收入,那是多么理想的事。市中心的办公大楼,每座动辄以亿令吉计,有能力购买的人,毕竟少之又少。但这不等于你与这些大楼无缘。通过购买产业投资信托股票,你其实也有机会拥有这类大楼的 一部分——尽管只是微不足道的一部分。

在马来西亚股票交易所挂牌的上市公司中,就有一类叫产业投资信托股(REITS)。由于这类股票上市的历史最短,又只有区区的14 家,投机气氛不如别类股票那么热络。所以一般投资者都不大注意。实际上,假如你留意的话,你一定会发现,这类股票的周息率(D/Y,就是股息回酬巴仙率),比大部分股票都高。

REITS 就是REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS 的缩写,中文为产业投资信托股。历史悠久收入稳定这类股票在外围股市有相当长的历史,也是寻求稳定收入的投资者的宠儿。这类公司的营业模式其实很简单:它收集了投资大众的资金以收购大宗的商业性产业,如办公大厦、购物中心、工厂、酒店等等,交由一家产业管理公司去管理,管理公司负责收租及维 修建筑物,从租金中扣除管理费后,将结存的租金净额分发给投资者


大马产业信托(AMFIRST)昨天公布本财务年上半年的业绩,半年每单位净利为4.87 仙。该信托宣布把盈利全部发给股东,每股派息4.87 仙。假如该信托下半年保持上半年的表现,则全年每单位净赚9.75 仙,该信托曾许下诺言,在未来三年中,将全部盈利派给股东,则每单位股息为 8.775仙(已扣税)。

以该信托目前1.17 仙的股价计算,周息率为7.5%,比定期存款的利息高两倍。假设你有计划买屋子作为投资,又假设你的投资额为50 万令吉,假如你以50 万令吉在八打灵购买一间双层排屋出租,每月可收到租金1 千500 令吉。假如你以每股1.17 仙,买进大马产业信托股票,50 万令吉可买到RM500,000÷RM1.17=427,300 股,以每股8.775 仙的股息计算,你一年可以收到RM37,495 的股息,平均每个月的股息收入为RM3,124 令吉,比排屋租金高两倍。

不单是大马产业信托,其他产业信托股,以目前的股价买进,大部分都可以取得7%以上的周息率,其中亚天产业信托(ATRIUM),以目前1.02 仙左右的股价计算,周息率高达8.58%。产业信托的股息回酬比产业租金高,而风险则比股票低,可说是介于产业与股票之间的投资产品。

假如你手头有多余的资金,一方面担心股票的风险太高,另一方面又嫌定存和买屋收租回酬太低,一个折衷的办法,是购买产业投资信托股票。回酬高于定存利息但在买进之前,最好对全部14 家产业信托股,进行研究,比较各家所拥有的产业、租户是谁、租金回酬率、负责数额,以及每单位预期可得之股息。作个比较之后,再从中选择你最有信心的股项,买进作为长期投资,可以赚到比定存利息高两倍的回酬。

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Axis Reit - Higher income to follow?

Below article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily on January 28, 2011.

Axis REIT has done quite well in terms of expanding its assets portfolio over the past few years and, as a result, has been gradually raising its income distribution to unitholders. We expect this trend to continue in the current year. Based on the estimated distribution of 17.5 sen per unit for 2011, investors will earn a fairly attractive gross yield of 7.4% at the prevailing price of RM2.36.

Expanding assets portfolio 

It was the first real estate investment trust (REIT) to be listed on the Bursa Malaysia in August 2005 and was reclassified as an Islamic REIT in December 2008. The trust focuses primarily on assets within the office and industrial sectors. Its properties are located in Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Klang, Prai, Johor and Kedah.

From the initial five properties on listing, Axis REIT now owns and manages 26 properties worth over RM1.16 billion. Five properties were acquired last year, including two logistics warehouses in Seberang Prai that were completed in 1Q10. The latest acquisitions — Tesco Hypermarket in Johor, Axis PDI Centre and Axis Technology Centre — were completed in 4Q10.

The trust’s earnings have been expanding in tandem. Income before tax (excluding fair value adjustments for assets) has grown steadily, from RM26.4 million in 2006 to RM52.6 million last year. In 2010, Axis REIT successfully renegotiated an average rental increase of 8.9% for leases due during the year, which accounted for some 18.5% of the total net lettable area under its management.

The value of its portfolio of properties too has been trending higher. For instance, in 2009 the trust recognised revaluation gains of some RM19.1
million. The valuation for its stable of properties rose by another RM45.6 million last year.

Investors made smart gains
REITs are typically viewed as low risk investments with relatively slow capital appreciation. Their main attraction is steady, higher than market average yields. Nonetheless, unitholders for Axis REIT have not done too shabbily relative to the benchmark index, the FBM KLCI, over the past year.

Indeed, investors in the REIT would have made a capital gain of 22% since the start of 2010. Over the same period, the FBM KLCI was up 19%. Including the income distributed totalling 16 sen per unit for 2010, unitholders would have made returns totalling 30%.

More yield accretive acquisitions in the pipeline

Axis REIT intends to stick to its strategy of acquiring yield accretive properties whilst promoting rental growth for existing assets through enhancements.

For the current year, there are three transactions pending completion including its first asset disposal. The trust is in the midst of completing the sale of North Port Logistic Centre for RM14.5 million on expectations that the property has limited upside to future rental growth. The sale will net gains totalling RM760,000. The trust intends to re-deploy the proceeds towards more yield accretive properties.

The two acquisitions pending completion are for a warehouse-office (D8, Port of Tanjung Pelepas) in Johor and an office building (Axis Eureka) in Cyberjaya for a combined RM81.2 million.

Furthermore, the trust is planning to add five more logistics warehouses in Johor and the Klang Valley as well as two more office blocks in Cyberjaya — estimated to be worth some RM365 million in the current year. It is also looking at the acquisition of Axis Technology Centre 2, consisting of a 6-storey office block, single-storey warehouse and car parks.

Some of the asset enhancements currently underway are the upgrade/facelift for Crystal Plaza, Fuji Xerox and Infinite Centre as well as the expansion of some 7,000 sq ft of net lettable area for a new penthouse level in Menara Axis. Other enhancements on the drawing board for the current year include that for the Cycle & Carriage complex and Kayangan Depot.

Income distribution expected to rise further in 2011
As such, we expect its earnings will continue to trend higher in 2011, lifted by full-year contributions from the five properties acquired last year as well as partial contributions from proposed new asset purchases this year.

Distribution per unit in the current year is estimated at roughly 17.5 sen per unit. That would earn unitholders a relatively attractive yield of 7.4%. Axis REIT is currently trading at roughly 1.2 times its net asset value of RM2.01 per unit.

Note: This report is brought to you by Asia Analytica Sdn Bhd, a licensed investment adviser. Please exercise your own judgment or seek professional advice for your specific investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions. Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.